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Hypnotherapy8 Mission

Hypnotherapy8 would like to have a far reach, in being available for potential hypnotherapy clients, no matter your financial situation or where you based in the world and this is why I want to keep cost of sessions to a minimum and offer online hypnotherapy sessions, as well as sessions within my local hypnotherapy venues.   

It is a privilege to be able to promote the incredible effectiveness and life changing ability of hypnotherapy.  Although hypnotherapists must be skilled and experienced therapists, it is actually the clients themselves and their incredible sub-conscious mind and commitment to seek and try hypnotherapy, that ensures successful outcomes occur, for clients who require important changes in their everyday life.  Our sub-conscious minds are like sponges and have so many positive functions, although there is one clear negative function, which is that negative emotions that connects to negative memories and can create negative habits and behaviours.  Such as we can pick up fear for our own future experiences, if we see or hear something or someone in fear, we connect to this and this fear could become

our own fear. 



The Way Forward

Stop Smoking/Vaping

Delve into your subconscious mind via the relaxing state of hypnotherapy, to shift the mental blocks stopping you from being able to Stop Smoking/Vaping. The aim is to change even longstanding behaviours that are stopping you, from making important life changes, such as give up smoking/vaping. No better way than changing our subconscious patterns of behaviours, we all have in our everyday life that can become unhealthy for us. Parts Therapy is one of a few hypnotherapy approaches, that is very successful in helping clients stop smoking/vaping for good.  I am happy to explain this process or answer any questions you may have in an initial consultation beforehand.  Before you make an important decision on whether you wish to go ahead with hypnosis.

quit smoking

Lose Weight

Through the power of suggestion, whilst remaining in a relaxed and calm state of mind, you’ll enter a receptive state, as you begin to focus on what you need to do, in order to Lose Weight. You’ll remain fully in control, throughout the process of uncovering what’s holding you back.


People wish to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight for many different reasons, as we are all different.  Hypnotherapist firstly needs to understand through communication with you, in a planned initial consultation, to discuss what you would like to change and how we would achieve this together.  As well as some important background information from you, to help me best prepare and provide you a bespoke package of hypnotherapy, with outstanding outcomes.

#lose weight #hypnotherapy #reduce my weight

Improve Self Esteem & Confidence

Use the mind-body link to Improve Self Esteem and confidence and see the results you have been seeking.  You will feel refreshed, increased energy levels and a higher more increased feelings of confidence and self esteem.

#you matter #improve self esteem #improve confidence #low in mood #depressed #hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression

Delve into the subconscious mind and use regression techniques to help go back into time into early childhood, before then going further back in time to between lives and fascinating and interesting past lives.  We can all benefit from finding out information and reasons for our past life and how it can have a connection to our current life.

#past life therapy #regression #past lives #recarnation  #hypnotherapy

Overcome Phobias (There are 500+ phobias)

Phobias develop when someone has an exaggerated or unrealistic fear surrounding a certain situation or object. If this situation or object is common in day-to-day life, the phobia can restrict a person’s life, holding them back from doing what they want to do and causing a lot of distress. It can impact someone's life significantly at times. 


As with many matters of the mind, phobias rarely have a single cause. There can be a number of factors involved. The phobia may have stemmed from a particular trauma or event (for example if you experienced a particularly bumpy flight when you were younger, you may develop a fear of flying as a result). It may be a learned response that you picked up from someone else (for example if your mother screamed when they saw a spider, you may have subconsciously learnt that this is the appropriate response).


Hypnotherapy8 can help you resolve any known phobia, by pinpointing it's origins via hypnotherapy and then reducing your levels of anxiety towards your phobia, with heightened positive suggestions whilst in hypnosis.  This will be achieved whilst remaining in a calm and relaxing state of mind, thanks to the benefits of hypnotherapy, relaxing techniques and tranquil visualisations.  




#Phobias #Anxiety #Scared #hypnotherapy #resolve phobia


By working with a qualified hypnotherapist such as myself, you can get to the root cause of your anxiety: the fear that is leading you to feel unsafe, on edge, or stressed. By identifying this cause, Hypnotherapy8 can help you reframe negative thoughts or beliefs, to reduce symptoms of anxiety.  This will be achieved with positive affirmations, suggestions and positive re-framing techniques whilst in the relaxing state of hypnosis. 

#Anxiety #Stress #Low mood #worries #hypnotherapy

Low mood or depression

Hypnotherapy is a natural, safe and effective treatment for low mood or anxieties and can help you deal with the negative, overwhelming, anxious thoughts and other symptoms of depression.

#low mood #depression #need help  #lost  #hypnotherapy

Stage Performance

If you get stage fright, I can help you channel your nervous anxiety into a positive excitement and energy that will benefit your performances.  There are hypnotherapy tools available to help stage performers, like yourself.

#Stage peformance #scared #anxious #performer nerves #hypnotherapy

Sports Performance

Performing consistently in sport is crucial to success. Hypnotherapy can help at any level of participation, to support you to channel any negative anxiety into a more positive energy that will support your performance.  Also building your confidence and self-belief, can be part of the hypnotherapy session.

#improve talent #improve performance #enhance performance #hypnotherapy


Some people find that hypnotherapy can be a helpful tool to cope better with PTSD symptoms. Hypnotherapy, coupled with EMDR in particular, is thought to be an effective way to process troublesome memories of trauma.
Trauma can cause a person to disconnect from their own internal sense of safety. So, the sooner the emotions are managed, the sooner the person will recover. Hypnotherapy can help you cope with the trauma and learn how to regain a sense of control and normality in your life.
The premise behind hypnotherapy is that is aims to access your unconscious and change the negative thoughts that are holding you back. Using the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy works to promote positive change. The suggestions used will depend on your symptoms and what you wish to gain from your sessions. By being your hypnotherapist, I will tailor techniques to you, helping you to manage symptoms and recognise potential triggers, as well as changing the way you react towards them.

#ptsd #scared #panic attacks #flashbacks #need help #hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy aims to break negative thought patterns and responses to stress and instead provide you with a more healthy reaction. This is done via the subconscious - the part of our mind that works automatically and without us realising.  As your hypnotherapist, I will help you enter a state of deep relaxation (hypnosis). When you’re in this state, your subconscious is more open to suggestions. The idea here, as your hypnotherapist would be to ‘suggest’ different ways of responding to stress, to your subconscious. Some people will see results after one session while others may require a number of sessions. This will depend on your individual circumstances and the depth of work needed.  I will also teach you basic self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques you can use after the sessions are over. Hypnosis for stress can be especially helpful when you’re experiencing short-term stress. For example, if you have an exam coming up or a public speaking engagement, hypnotherapy can help you respond in a more relaxed way.

#stress #worry #anxiety #hypnotherapy

Pain Control

When you are under hypnosis you focus on relaxation and letting go of distracting thoughts. This temporarily tunes out the conscious part of your mind, opening you up to the power of suggestion. At this point, as your hypnotherapist I can make suggestions to encourage pain relief for you. I will also give you post-hypnotic suggestions, allowing you to carry out self-hypnosis after the end of our sessions.  The incredible fact about pain, is that if you in a state of pure relaxation, it can block out the pain.  Has you cant be in both pure relaxation mode same time as also feeling pain.  It can only be one or the other at one time. 

#Headache #pains #suffering #help needed #medical issues #hypnotherapy

Enhance Motivation

Hypnotherapy for motivation and confidence works by helping to eliminate negative thought patterns that may hinder progress and replacing them with positive affirmations that boost self-esteem and confidence.  This in turn will increase your motivation to succeed, when also remembering the many past hurdles you have previously jumped over.  This will be reinforced to you, in the hypnotherapy sessions, including visualisations on how reaching a particular goal in life, will enrich your life in so many important and fantastic ways.  This new subconscious and powerful and enriching visualisation and suggestions, will remain with you in your subconscious and filter at times into your very day life (your conscious mind).  If using anchors as an hypnotherapy tool within your sessions, then as an individual you can tap into this positive and enriching visualisation, just by a conscious action agreed and set within an hypnotherapy session with myself as your hypnotherapist.  Anything that takes place in your sessions will be firstly discussed and agreed between us beforehand, within the initial consultation stage.   

#Motivation #lack enthusiasm #lack of confidence #hypnotherapy

Panic Attacks

Hypnotherapy reduces the likelihood of panic attacks occurring by reducing underlying anxiety and working at a subconscious level to replace the unhelpful behavioural patterns and templates triggered in the brain when under stress with others that are more helpful and appropriate for you.



#panic Attacks #cant cope #anxiety #hypnotherapy

Virtual Reality Therapy Room Experience

A VR approach, which may be especially helpful for clients who have difficulty with visualisation and could be game changer for certain individuals, but not for all individuals interested in hypnotherapy.


Coming Soon

#Future is coming, but not for everyone.  Hypnotherapy offers bespoke package and options to suit all needs and preferences.

Contact to find out how we can help.

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